Get in the FKN room



Get in the FKN room

Our movement empowers you to drop the bullshit and start telling the truth.

It insists you put down the chai tea, pack away the tarot cards and instead start BEING about it.
It's what makes our work so fking profound when it comes to personal transformation and life defining breakthroughs.

Why? well firstly there's a lot of bullshit out there lols. Some intentional (i'm looking at you the media), some not.
Secondly, there are too many of us feeling so god damn lost when it comes to knowing who we are, what we’re doing and what we really want.
Too many voices ‘telling’ us or should i say ‘selling’ us what they think we should be doing. (On behalf of us all, pls STFU)

As if we're in an illusionary maze, really wanting to escape but with no idea how.
So, when you make the life changing choice to start surrounding yourself with the truth.
Being amongst people that are speaking it, living it and most importantly embodying it.

You instantly start levelling TF up.
You start to literally taste the truth in your mouth and like a sugar high, you want more.

People often think telling the truth means ‘not lying’ or exposing your darkest secrets, but really it's far from it. Truth is a vibration. Its actually the second highest vibration (to love) An energy that alchemizes everything it touches.

It's quite literally contagious.
Inside our offerings I've witnessed over and over again how it unlocks parts of people that they have spent DECADES trying to release.


It looks like:
✌🏼The connection back to yourself that you’ve been begging for.
💡A gazillion lightbulbs going off to all the unanswered questions.
🕊Words being spoken, tears being shed, ENERGY being released that makes you feel light & free.
💅🏽You finally feeling yourself (aka LIBERATED AF)

That thick layer of illusion that has been stopping you from seeing the truth of your past, your present and to be quite honest the MAGNIFICENCE of who you bloody well are starts to disappear.
And lemme tell you, once you experience this?
You will never tolerate anything less.

This is who we are, this is what we show you how to do ✌🏼

helen wileks