Sisterhood Circle Series - Feminine Energetics



Susie Hemsted


Saturday 13th January


12pm – 2.30pm



All workshops $288; One Workshop $108

Wider Community:

All workshops $333; One Workshop $115

Sisterhood Circle Series

Feminine energy is a force that pulses through every human being on this planet.

It's the part deep within us that desires connection, being-ness and pleasure.

And for centuries, the harmony between feminine and masculine energy has been squashed down, suppressed and ignored.

Men have been led to believe that much of their inherent masculinity is wrong, and women have been conditioned to disconnect from their feminine nature, from themselves, from other women & from Mother Earth.

Women have quite literally...been starved of themselves.

Our great-great grandmothers, had to compete with each other, for men, for security, for safety.

Their natural, intuitive connection to the earth and her medicine, was seen as dangerous.

The witch hunts, didn’t kill witches - they killed intuitive women, connected to their feminine magic, connected to nature.

This led to our female ancestors contracting, hiding, conforming, suppressing their feminine power, feeling unsafe in their body & feeling unsafe around women.

Sisterhood became life threatening.

So it was lost.

We still hold this memory if it in our cells, in the imprints of our Souls.

But the world is a different place now.

And it’s time for us to rewrite this story, for the women who came before us, for ourselves, and for the generations to come.

Sitting in circle with other women, not only creates deep healing on a cellular and soul level, it also amplifies one of the most powerful forces that exists on this planet….

….a force that can shift oceans, and move mountains,

….a force that creates, inspires and heals….


Starting in December, join us at The Collaborative for a 3 month sisterhood journey.

Susie will hold a deep, rich space, to allow you to dive into what it means to be a woman in this modern world.

We’ll explore the history of the woman, sisterhood wounding, energetic healing & what it means to develop safety in our nervous systems, so we can open up to what deep sisterhood connection means and the unlimited possibilities that truly do exist for us.

Because when the feminine, is surrounded by a loving, supportive sisterhood, they are unstoppable.

Feminine Energetics - January

In our first month, we’ll sit in sacred circle, around a beautiful rose alter, and explore:

  • What is feminine energy?

  • the power of vulnerability and honesty with women

  • sisterhood wounding that may hold us back from creating deep, meaningful, rich and long-lasting connections

This ceremony will also include a sound bath & quantum healing experience, with group astral healing and hands on healing from Susie, to drop out of the head and deep into the body.

Manifestation & Claiming your Desires - February

Desire is a feminine-led energy, a pulse within us that says ‘YES that will fulfil me, fill me up, bring me pleasure’.
For our feminine to experience pleasure & fulfilment in this human experience, we must follow our desires.

In this 2 hour workshop, we’ll dive deep into your hearts desires for 2024, dropping into feminine creativity with manifestation rituals and allowing other women to witness you as you claim your big bold desires.

Includes an expansive quantum energy experience, to open yourself up energetically, to receive all your hearts desires.

The Power of the Womb Space - March

The womb is the most powerful portal of creation on this planet.

And as women, we hold this portal within our physical body.

Without the womb, humanity would cease to exist.

It literally births life.

But birthing doesn’t only happening on the physical plane in the form of a child. We experience birthing on the energetic plane, in the form of new projects, new intentions, new ways of being. When physical pain & energetic blocks appear within our creation portal (the womb & the sacral chakra) we can feel stuck & our creativity can feel blocked, which leads to disconnection from our intuitive feminine wisdom.

In this 2.5 hour workshop, you’ll learn more about the Womb Space, then be guided through a self-led womb massage & quantum healing experience, to support you to clear any blocks, trauma and cords that are connected to your womb space.

Please note, if you have had a hysterectomy and no longer have a physical womb, you will connect to your beautiful cosmic womb.

Feminine Energetics: Saturday, Jan 13th, 12pm -2.30pm

Manifestation & Claiming your Desires: Saturday, Feb 17th,  12pm -2.30pm

The Power of the Womb Space: Saturday March 9th,  12pm -2.30pm



All 3 workshops: Members $288 / wider community $333

Single workshop: Members $108 / wider community $115

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